• İrade Management Software; The accounting-based approach, in other words, is a direction-oriented and budget-oriented architecture that works with the planning principle as opposed to the programs that force the realization reports.
  • It operates according to the rules of a management system built on the capabilities and competencies of the firm and therefore protects the company’s superiorities.
  • It works with the quantification of the future imagination and standards approved by the will, and the difference analysis between the plans prepared in this framework and those realized. With this difference analysis, it produces the information needed by the decision makers in the future.
  • It focuses on analyzing instantaneous realization tracking, difference analysis and the impact of differences, especially against approved plans and standards.
  • In response to the rules that have been locked in code enforced by known packet programs; İrade Management Software allows the company to create and model its own rules. According to the company’s own dynamics, the planning and measurement infrastructure is formed, the company uses the data needed for the information integrated with the software already used in the company in the equations developed in the management system. It does not harm the database structure of the integrated software.


It shall include the declaration of will, policy document and strategic plan of the firm by the will of the firm and the activity and project management based on this plan.

  • All results obtained from current situation analysis are loaded.
  • All strategic areas, goals and targets are determined and linked to the current situation results.
  • Balanced Scorecard (BSC), the company’s measurable future report, is prepared for the budget infrastructure based on targets.
  • A matrix of responsibility based on objectives is established, and the targets of the units in the direction are determined.
  • Process records and strategic plan monitoring evaluation analyzes are carried out on budget realization and other modules.

The Direction Module module can generate the following information and reports for auditing and intervention.

  • The current situation and the (desired) situation difference analysis,
  • General situation of objectives and strategic areas, differences and distribution in organizational detail,
  • Target realizations and clarity with the current situation difference and approved targets,
  • General situation of investments and projects, critical projects, activities and results requiring measures,
  • The realization of the financial dimension and the difference analysis with Balanced Scorecard from budget integration,
  • Target realizations and differences on units basis.


It covers the legal personality of the firm, the registry newspaper, brands, branches and organization architecture and the organization of the units which are the components of this architecture.

  • As legal entity, all official data, addresses, authorities, duties, internal regulations and brands are uploaded.
  • Organization chart and organizational structure are recorded as data and the organization and legal entity are connected to each other.
  • Connections between branches and units are created.
  • Units, tasks, responsibilities and authorities are defined on the basis of units.
  • In the units of organization, the norm staff of approved titles are defined.

The Organizational Architecture module can generate the following information and reports for the dominance of the organization and the dominance of the units.

  • Processes in units and problems of these processes,
  • Compliance with unit-based strategic plan load and activities in the organization,
  • Relationship between organization activities and budget and activity-income-expense relationship,
  • Norm staff with actual staff number differences.


It covers the architecture of the cadres, which will work within the defined organization, includes the wage system, performance measurement, promotion, discipline, occupational health, education and registration processes, the human resources inventory covers the analysis and continuous updating of the Human Resource Inventory with the conceptual approach of IRADE.

  • Staff architecture and job requirements and competencies of each staff are formed by a numerical scoring system.
  • The existing staff is assigned to the established cadre architecture.
  • Work contracts and termination of employment contracts are carried out.
  • For recruitment, demand-announcement-candidate measurement-matching and score comparison processes are run.
  • In recruitment processes the relevant staff – the most appropriate candidates for the request – are determined by the software.
  • Wage system is established and matched with cadres.
  • Performance system and performance criteria are modeled on software, mathematical equations are created and assigned to staff and staff.
  • The promotion system is modeled and its rules are defined.
  • Assignment with promotion is based on these rules.
  • The disciplinary regulation is defined and disciplinary action is carried out according to the defined regulation.
  • Training needs are analyzed through software, training program is prepared and followed up.
  • Risk analyzes are made for occupational health and safety and risk management is performed by conducting management programs.
  • Permission planning and follow-up is done, rotation and assignment operations are carried out.

The Human Resources Management Module can generate the following information and reports for the planning and development of human assets.

  • Analysis of existing inventory and compliance of personnel requirements and competencies, applications and difference analysis of existing personnel,
  • Effect of recruitment and assignment results on inventory,
  • Performance measurement results and decision support information for evaluation,
  • Appropriate staffing for promotion,
  • Results of training programs and cost-benefit relationship,
  • Frequency analysis for discipline and discipline
    Occupational health and safety management program results.


Strategic plan targets and BSC include project, investment, income, expenditure, inventory budgets and future income statement and balance sheet determination depending on the financial dimension. With the realization analysis, it produces the necessary information for the measures that the company should take in the field of accrual and cash management.

  • Budgets to cover the annual or desired period are defined.
  • A budget account plan is created, and the responsible unit assignments are made through the organizational architecture.
  • Budget plan and strategic plan targets and / or BSC financial metrics are linked together.
  • Accrual budgets are created, equations can be written between accounts and formulas (formulas) can be created.
  • Activity based income-expense calculations are created by linking the activities of the units with the account plan.
  • Budget consolidation is performed and the compliance of the accounts with the strategic plan objectives or the BSC is tested.
  • Cash budgets are created on accrual budget basis. Collection and payment planning are made.
  • End-of-term Proforma Income Statement is formulated and formulated.
  • The end of the semester is formed by formulating the Proforma Balance Sheet.

The Budget System Module can generate the following information and reports to support the auditing and intervention power of the company in order to generate income.

  • Accrual budget plan-realization differences,
  • Accrual budget strategic plan-realization differences (on the basis of targets and financial dimension metrics),
  • Budget compliance analysis on the basis of units,
  • Cost analysis of projects and investments,
  • Trend analysis by closing historical budgets on the basis of accounts.


The voting and approval of the systems modeled in the guidelines, organization architecture, human resources management and budget system modules covers the decision making process by evaluating all the reports produced. The decision allows the production of the information required for the support and the follow-up of the decision taken.

  • Strategic plan and BSC approval procedures are made for the guidance guide.
  • The duties of the units are approved and / or revisions are ordered with the organizational architecture and the detail organizational structure.
  • Staff architecture, wage system, performance model, promotion conditions, training plans and discipline regulations are approved.
  • Budgets and Consolidated Budget are approved, revisions are ordered.
  • Meetings are organized as the level of will (board of directors, board of partners, general assembly, etc.), agendas are determined and decisions are recorded.
  • The decisions taken are followed on the basis of units, targets, budget accounts and human resources sub-components.
  • Prepares the required information / report at the meetings or at any time.
  • Intelligence information can be generated when the relative values determined by the willpower change.


Irade Management Software is the operation processes covering the activities of production, purchase, sale, shipment, accounting and so on. can be integrated with modules. Integration is unidirectional and reads only data from related modules and does not record data to existing software.

Accounting module integration and budget realization data are taken, personnel costs are calculated through payroll integration, sales, purchasing, maintenance, production and so on. integrations and target and budget realization data can also be created.