All processes of IRADE represent a different value on its own and apply to produce different results for each project.


Quality consulting services cannot be provided without accessing the real information and research results of a company itself and the field of activity. For this reason, irrespective of irreplaceable issues, healtht and reliable data collection is a must for IRADE. For this reason, interviews with customers, suppliers, veteran employees, managers, company shareholders, sector representatives of related companies; surveys with employees and product users / consumers; literature about the development of the sector is carried out in the world and in Turkey. Workflow and activity data including process interactions of all companies; sales, purchasing, personnel, balance sheet, cost items etc. all accounting data; data on production quantities and data on quality documents are collected in a determined manner.


Toplanan veriler tahlil edilebilecek biçimlere getirilir. Bu esnada verilerin çeşitli yöntemlerle doğruluğuna yönelik testler yapılır. Firma yetkililerinin değerlendirme ve onaylarına sunulur. Tasnif aşaması bir çeşit veri tabanı oluşturma sürecidir. Tasnif edilen veriler tahlil için yazılımlara aktarılabilir hale getirilir.


The data collected by the software such as SPSS, Nvibo etc are analyzed by statistical and morphological analyzes. The relationships between each classified area and others are determined. In this process, especially known financial analyzes are made. The analyzes conducted with some special ADG scale compared with the average of Turkey and normative values.


In the light of the information produced after the analysis, the main determinations that make a photograph of the situation of the company are made and discussed by the company authorities. In case the company authorities confirm the findings, the next stage is passed. Otherwise, the analysis and data are checked again and the process is renewed.


At this stage, after the findings, ADG Science and Advisory Board experts and academicians work to identify the situation of the company and the world-known definitions of basic descriptions are shared. Sometimes these diagnostics / s can be summarized in a few words or sentences, or they can be in more than one area or in a single area.


It is the stage of the company – if any, to confront the wrongs and problems. In this stage, the collected data and the works which should not be made and wrong, incomplete, meaningless, damaging works are revealed
The solution is almost impossible without facing problems. Diagnosis and criticism are complementary processes.


At this stage, the works to be made by the company are listed with articles and grounds along with examples from Turkey and world.


IIt is the stage of adaptation of the recommendations to the company. Company capabilities, activities within the framework of the activities as a whole, prepared with the plan and budget.


IIt is the implementation and control phase of planned, budgeted activities. At this stage, the company supports the application processes if requested.


EEven if everything is done, the works and company cannot be left alone. The necessary information and contributions will continue to be followed in order to monitor the activities carried out, re-analysis of the collected data and whether the measures are being processed.